Membership Information


Highland and National Dancing & Solo Piping

Membership Requirement:

Competitors and Judges in both Solo Piping or Highland and National Dancing competitions are required to hold a membership prior to competing in the membership year,.  The Membership Year runs from 1st July to 30th June. Other people associated with Piping and Dancing in NZ may also be members.

Classes of Membership

**NOTE that all ages are determined as of midnight 30th June.  As an example, you turn 18 on the 1st July you are still classed as a Junior.

There are a variety of membership classes:
Beginner Competitors - Can only compete in "beginner" events... no age restriction
Junior Competitors - Up to 17 Years of Age**
Senior Competitors - 18 years and Over**
Senior Judges
Corporate Members - Members who wish to be associated with the Piping and Dancing Activities
Corporate Societies - Societies (organisations) who run competitions for Solo Piping and Dancing
Life Members of Centres
Life Members of Council

Membership Year

The Membership Year runs from 1 July to 30 June of the following year. 


There is a membership Secretary that maintains the Membership Database.  For any queries contact on: for any information or visit the next pages.

Membership Procedure

Click here for the Membership Procedure.