About Us


The Piping and Dancing Association of New Zealand was formed in 1908 to promote Piping and Highland Dancing and to conduct competitions.

Throughout New Zealand there are over 1,700 registered pipers and dancers, 60 Societies and over 200 competitions are held during the year.

Many of the major dancing competitions have been held indoors and this has developed excellence in performance. The general public are being encouraged to view the outstanding highland and national dancing standard of performance being attained here in New Zealand. It is fun to participate and a great way to involve families, and competitions are for the young dancer right through to the adults in the New Zealand Championships 18 years and over events.

New Zealand pipers have gained eminence in overseas competition and New Zealand is highly regarded as a country that produces world standard pipers and dancers.

The Piping and Dancing Association of New Zealand wishes to promote piping and dancing both in New Zealand and worldwide. There are qualified teachers of dancing throughout New Zealand and piping tutors are now tutoring in many schools and this is assisting the growth of the playing of bag-pipe music.

Inquiries are welcomed on the following:

  • Participation in piping and highland national dancing
  • Teachers and tutors available throughout New Zealand
  • World class piping and dancing performers available for entertainment items
  • Competition dates and venues including New Zealand Championships

The Piping and Dancing Association Constitution can be viewed by clicking here.

The Piping and Dancing Association By-laws can be viewed by clicking here

Centres forming the Council of the Piping and Dancing Association of New Zealand (Inc):

  • Northland Centre
  • Auckland Centre
  • South Auckland Centre
  • Taranaki Centre
  • Poverty Bay/East Coast Centre
  • Hawkes Bay Centre
  • Wellington Centre
  • Marlborough/Nelson Centre
  • Canterbury/West Coast Centre
  • South Canterbury Centre
  • Otago Centre
  • Southland Centre


Results of Elections for Office Bearers 2015-2016

Life Members of the Council

  • Mr John Nicholson, Dunedin
  • Right Hon. Sir Ian McKay, Wellington
  • Mrs J Beckie Rout, Dunedin
  • Mr J Craig Peterson QSM, Dunedin
  • Mrs Helen K Brown, Nelson
  • Mrs J Kay Grout, Auckland
  • Mrs Colleen Cole MNZM, Christchurch
  • Mrs Carol Jahnke, Auckland
  • Mr Bruce Cawood, Havelock North
  • Mrs Sherilyn Hall, Tauranga

The Committee

Patron: J Kay Grout
President: Barbara Tait
Deputy President: Avalon Moffatt
Secretary: Lynda Duncan
Treasurer: Viv Cotton
Additional Councillors: Dance Director: Robyn Simmons

Piping Convenor: Greg Wilson ONZM
Hon. Solicitor: Kim McLeod
Auditor: Mr Ben van der Spuy
Academy Executive Officers: Avalon Moffatt
June Wright
Championship Convenor: Colleen Cole MNZM
Web Master: Membership Secretary
Executive Committee: Barbara Tait
Avalon Moffatt
Colleen Cole MNZM
Greg Wilson ONZM
Viv Cotton
Lynda Duncan
June Wright